Parents & Guardians,
Next week, grades 6-8 begin taking the state required iLearn test to measure their academic progress for this year.
Here are some areas that you can help us with so your student will have the best chance for success in testing next week.
Get a good night of sleep and come to school well rested.
Eat breakfast or a snack. Breakfast is free to students at school.
Bring a fully charged chromebook and the charging cord everyday
Electronic Devices:
State testing rules are:
Students can not have access to their mobile phones at anytime during testing
Smartwatches or other ‘smart’ devices are also not permitted during testing
Due to the cost of these items, it is our recommendation that those devices be left at home or be locked in your student’s school locker during testing to avoid the possibility of theft.
Students found with electronic devices during testing have the possibility of having their test invalidated and in some cases can have every student in the room get their test invalidated too.
We really appreciate your help in making this test session a less stressful experience for our students.